Zukunftsfonds - cover image

HAWK Zukunftsfonds (emergency fund): We invest in the future of our society

Help us support students in need

With the Zukunftsfonds, HAWK supports students who are in financial need - regardless of nationality and special crisis situations. In this way, we invest in the future and give young people the chance to participate in education.

Currently, students who are affected by the war in Ukraine are in particular need of your support. We would like to use the donations to provide financial support to students for starting their studies and for their time at HAWK. The war in Ukraine affects many young people and they are in need. Many have fled. Some of them have lost everything and are dependent on our support. In particular, these are newly arrived young people from universities in Ukraine who are unable to continue their studies there. HAWK is in contact with people on the run and does everything possible to welcome them and support them at HAWK.

We ask for your donations to the following account:

IBAN: DE21250500000106020134
Credit institution: Nord/LB
Intended purpose: Zukunftsfonds, 85221014

With the donation contribution we would like to make a positive difference in the emergency situation that has arisen.

So you have the possibility:

Provide short-term support with:

  • the purchase of teaching materials
  • the financing of semester fees
  • financing health insurance, local transport tickets
  • participation in language classes

To provide medium-term support through:

  • Sponsorship of our scholarship program: Students can be supported for 12 months and donations are matched by the Federal Ministry.

Contact, coordination and advice on donations

The Fundraising Department will be happy to advise interested parties on the definition of the purpose and goal of a donation and on the possibility of supporting students. If you have any questions, please contact Daniela Zwicker, Head of Fundraising, at +49 (0) 551 3705 181 and Daniela.zwicker@hawk.de. The Fundraising Department has many years of experience in awarding scholarships and grants. Your contribution will fully benefit those who need support.


Empfänger: HAWK Hochschule
IBAN: DE21250500000106020134
Kreditinstitut: Nord/LB
Verwendungszweck: Zukunftsfonds, 85221014
Die Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar. Ab einer Zuwendung von 200 Euro stellen wir Ihnen eine Spendenbescheinigung aus.